Here we're not displaying the link input field in the sharing pane. Click the social sharing button to open the sharing pane.
<video class="sublime" data-settings="uid:demo-social-sharing-no-link-sharing; sharing-link-enable:false; sharing-text:Check out this demo of the social sharing features of the SublimeVideo player!; sharing-url:; player-kit:3; autoresize:fit;" title="Demo: Social sharing, No link sharing" poster="" width="640" height="360" preload="none" style="display:none">
<source src="" />
<source src="" />
Note: In order to use a different design than the Classic – like in this demo – you'll have to either:
Change the design of your default player.
Create a new player with the desired design and then set the data-player-kit data setting accordingly. Please refer to the documentation for more info.