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Player Release Notes

November 12, 2013 2.6.0

June 27, 2013 2.5.5

  • fixed Issue on Chrome that was preventing HD switching from working properly for videos with <track> elements.

June 20, 2013 2.5.3

  • fixed Issue with YouTube videos and lightbox.
  • fixed Bug in Safari 6 preventing fullscreen in iframe embeds from properly exiting when pressing the Esc key.

June 19, 2013 2.5.2

  • improved Compatibility with existing CSS (max-height, causing issues with poster frame).

June 13, 2013 2.5.0

  • improved Overall architecture and loading performances.

May 30, 2013 2.4.0

May 29, 2013 2.3.1

  • improved Streamlined the fullscreen controls in our Classic design.

May 16, 2013 2.3.0

May 02, 2013 2.2.12

  • fixed Issue causing a JS error to be fired in IE6-8 when unpreparing the player.

April 11, 2013 2.2.8

  • fixed Layout issue when changing the player size using our API just after the video ended playing.
  • fixed Compatibility issue when both Prototype.js and jQuery libraries are loaded in the same page.

April 10, 2013 2.2.7

April 08, 2013 2.2.6

  • newSetting to specify the suggested playback quality for YouTube videos (use it to start YouTube videos in HD).

April 05, 2013 2.2.5

  • improved Lightbox can now open TIFF images.
  • fixed Issue that in some cases was preventing the intial play button from hiding with YouTube videos.
  • fixed Typo on alert message.

April 03, 2013 2.2.4

  • fixed Workaround for new bug introduced in Chrome 26 with Flash and wmode transparent.
  • fixed Seek issue with YouTube videos on iOS devices.
  • fixed Issue on iOS devices that was causing YouTube videos to replay even if the on-end flag was set to stop.
  • fixed Issue causing a JS error to be fired in IE7 when preparing the player with our JavaScript API.

March 27, 2013 2.2.3

  • fixed Video rendering issue on Firefox 19 for Android.

March 22, 2013 2.2.2

  • improved Tap detection on touch devices.
  • fixed Animation issue during page scroll on iOS6.
  • fixed Flash buffering issue with some MP4 video files.
  • fixed Delay issue when loading SublimeVideo by dynamically injecting the loader with JavaScript on DOM ready.
  • fixed Compatibility issue with Prototype.js on IE6-7.

March 14, 2013 2.2.0

  • new Auto Embed add-on.
  • new Support for title and data-title video attributes.
  • fixed Issue with Wacom graphics tablets and Chrome preventing the player to be started.
  • fixed Issue with quirks mode and lightbox in IE8.
  • fixed Issue causing a JS error to be fired in IE6-8 when unpreparing the player.
  • fixed HD button issue after exiting fullmode (fullscreen or fullwindow).

March 12, 2013 2.1.6

  • improved The player defaults to Flash on Chrome for Windows (see 2.1.5 release) unless the user has disabled the Flash plugin.
  • fixed Contextual menu positioning issues.

March 08, 2013 2.1.5

  • improved The player now defaults to Flash for video decoding on Chrome for Windows (due to a bug with HTML5 Video in the latest release of Chrome occurring with some graphics cards when hardware accelerated video decoding is enabled, which is the default since Chrome 23. We will default back to HTML5 as soon as the bug is fixed. This is only for the Windows version of Chrome; Mac version is not affected and will continue to use HTML5).

March 07, 2013 2.1.4

  • fixed Potential conflicts with other JavaScript libraries on IE < 9.
  • fixed Various minor issues.

March 04, 2013 2.1.2

  • improved Poster frame resizing behavior with responsive players.
  • fixed Video issue with playlists implemented with the deprecated JavaScript API.

February 28, 2013 2.1.1

  • fixed Various minor issues with Cue Zones.

February 28, 2013 2.1.0

  • new Cue Zones add-on.
  • improved Additional performance improvements on Firefox browsers.
  • fixed Seeking with YouTube videos when YouTube is in HTML5 mode.
  • fixed Seek issue with Flash videos that was occasionally preventing the playback from resuming.

February 27, 2013 2.0.28

  • improved Performances on Firefox browsers.
  • fixed Positioning issue of Flash videos on same web pages.
  • fixed end player event behavior on IE < 9.
  • fixed Autoplay issue with deprecated API method sublimevideo.play on mobile devices.

February 25, 2013 2.0.27

  • fixed Issue with YouTube videos and SSL.

February 25, 2013 2.0.26

  • improved Dismiss contextual menu when the page scrolls.
  • fixed Positioning issue of contextual menu when the body element has CSS margins.
  • fixed Controls + Flash issue that was preventing the volume slider from working properly.

February 25, 2013 2.0.25

  • fixed Issue with video file extensions that, in some cases, were preventing the video from playing.

February 22, 2013 2.0.24

  • fixed Issue that in some cases was preventing the video from displaying (audio not affected).

February 22, 2013 2.0.23

  • improved Autoresize algorithm for responsive layout support.
  • fixed Autoplay issue with deprecated API method sublimevideo.prepareAndPlay on mobile devices.

February 19, 2013 2.0.22

  • new Added fullscreen support for stock Android Browser.
  • improved Compatibility with existing CSS (top, bottom, left and right properties).
  • fixed SVG rendering issue on Firefox.

February 07, 2013 2.0.21-beta

  • improved Better handling of autoplay (and player.play API method) on mobile devices.

February 06, 2013 2.0.20-beta

  • new Embed add-on.
  • improved Handling case where width and height values of the video element are specified with decimal values.

February 05, 2013 2.0.19-beta

  • improved Various improvements to the social sharing add-on.
  • improved Better handling of cases where the width and height attributes are not set on the <video> element.
  • fixed Text color issue on IE < 9.

February 01, 2013 2.0.18-beta

  • new Social Sharing add-on.
  • new Keyboard shortcuts help in contextual menu.

January 30, 2013 2.0.17-beta

  • improved sublime.load method now always returns undefined.
  • fixed Issue with some dynamic sources that was preventing the video from playing.
  • fixed Issue with YouTube videos when their API was already loaded by third party.
  • fixed Issue that was causing the <video> element to be moved to the wrong position in the DOM after unpreparing the player.

January 25, 2013 2.0.16-beta

  • fixed Issue preventing the poster frame from loading for some YouTube videos.

January 25, 2013 2.0.15-beta

  • improved Updated our Flat and Light designs to omit the Lightbox close button in order we can better fit the UI of some upcoming add-ons.
  • improved The on-video logos (both the SublimeVideo logo and your own logo) placed at the bottom-right corner are now automatically displayed on the bottom-left corner to avoid overlapping with the YouTube logo.
  • fixed Issue that was preventing the controls from hiding after 5s on touch devices.
  • fixed Issue with keyboard control and YouTube videos on Safari.
  • fixed Progress bar rendering issue on Classic design.
  • fixed Issue with the sublime.unprepare method.
  • fixed Issue that was preventing the poster frame from loading on IE < 9.

January 23, 2013 2.0.14-beta

  • fixed Issue causing a JS error to be fired when closing the lightbox.
  • fixed IE6-8 rendering issue.

January 18, 2013 2.0.13-beta

  • improved Avoid hiding scrollbars when lightbox opens.

January 17, 2013 2.0.12-beta

  • fixed Fixed javascript API methods.

January 16, 2013 2.0.11-beta

  • improved Optimized UI responsiveness on touch devices.
  • fixed Positioning issue with the contextual menu.
  • fixed Various minor issues.

January 15, 2013 2.0.10-beta

  • improved Compatibility with existing CSS (max-width and text properties).
  • improved Touch handling on mobile devices (touchcancel).
  • fixed Issue with YouTube videos that was causing the HD button to show up despite the lack of HD source.
  • fixed Layout issue after exiting fullscreen on Safari.

January 11, 2013 2.0.9-beta

  • fixed Lightbox issue with images.
  • fixed Issue that was preventing YouTube videos from playing the second time on iOS.
  • fixed Start view issue with YouTube videos.

January 10, 2013 2.0.8-beta

  • improved Compatibility with existing CSS (box-shadow property).
  • improved Type attribute parsing of video sources.
  • improved Back-compatibility support for old not-needed-anymore code (JS API) that was required with the old player to make the video responsive.
  • fixed Issue that was flashing the play button just before playing the video.
  • fixed Issue that was wrongly configuring the onEnd flag set via the MySublimeVideo.
  • fixed Issue that was preventing the lightbox (with the old syntax) from opening.

January 10, 2013 2.0.7-beta

  • new Added play, pause and stop player events to the player API.
  • fixed Issue that in some cases was blocking the video playback after a seek.

January 09, 2013 2.0.6-beta

  • fixed Various minor issues.

January 08, 2013 2.0.5-beta

  • improved Autoresize behavior to handle CSS borders on parent.
  • fixed SVG rendering issue.

January 08, 2013 2.0.4-beta

  • fixed Issue that was blocking keydown events on inputs and textareas placed over the player.
  • fixed Firefox and YouTube issues that in some cases were preventing videos from playing.
  • fixed Issue that was distorting the SVG rendering in modern browsers.

December 19, 2012 2.0.3-beta

  • fixed Issue regarding Flash videos and relative source paths.
  • fixed SVG issue on sites containing the base’s href attribute.
  • fixed Issue that was causing the time labels to display the wrong time on videos longer than an hour.
  • fixed Issue that was wrongly positioning the player into the webpage.

December 18, 2012 2.0.2-beta

  • fixed Issue preventing videos from starting in IE10.

December 14, 2012 2.0.1-beta

  • fixed Issue that was preventing YouTube videos from starting.

December 14, 2012 2.0.0-beta

  • new Rewritten from the ground up using our new SublimeVideo Framework.
  • new Runs with no feature or design degradation even on tablets and the latest smartphones.
  • new Vector-based rendering of every control and UI element.
  • new Seamless YouTube integration.
  • new Display your logo on video.
  • new Two new player designs Light and Flat. Our Classic design has also been revamped.
  • new Keyboard control.
  • new Advanced responsive layout support.
  • new Several new options and settings to customize your player’s look and behavior, including:
    • Option to enable/disable fullscreen.
    • Option to enable/disable volume control.
    • Option to force fullwindow instead of fullscreen.
    • Option to hide controls bar completely or make it always visible.
    • Option to customize the behavior at the end of the video (nothing, replay, stop).
    • Option to customize the initial video overlay visibility.
  • new In-player alert messages system.
  • improved Broader mobile devices support, especially a much improved support for the Android, Kindle Fire and Windows Phone platforms.
  • improved The lightbox has been greatly improved:
    • Separation of the player element (<video>) and its opening trigger(s) (<a>) to make the lightbox usage more flexible and user-friendly, allowing for instance two different triggers in the page to open the same player.
    • Lightbox stays always centered when the browser window is resized and its size is automatically adjusted if the window becomes smaller than the lightbox itself.
    • Possibility to customize the behavior of the video when the lightbox is opened.
    • Possibility to customize the overlay opacity.
    • Possibility to customize the visibility and position of the close button.
    • The lightbox can now display images as well!

July 25, 2012

  • improved Better compatibility with Chrome Frame (IE).

July 17, 2012

  • fixed Issue with iframe embeds when exiting full-screen on the latest version of Chrome (20) and the upcoming Safari 6.

July 04, 2012

  • improved Better support for older versions of Opera.

April 26, 2012

  • new Added support for BlackBerry PlayBook.

April 16, 2012

  • new Added support for the lightbox class on <video> elements that use the lightbox effect. The zoom class is now deprecated and should be replaced by the lightbox class.

March 26, 2012

  • fixed Issue preventing some initial <video> element’s style properties from being restored upon sublimevideo.unprepare.

March 18, 2012

  • new Added sv_force_fullscreen option (use it as a class in your <video> element) to favor full-screen behavior over full-window whenever possible (works in both HTML5 and Flash modes).

March 16, 2012

  • fixed Issue with protocol agnostic source URLs on IE6-8.

March 07, 2012

  • improved Better compatibility with existing CSS (box-sizing property).

February 07, 2012

  • fixed Issue with upscaled videos on older versions of Safari (prior to version 5.1).

January 24, 2012

  • improved Better handling of Chrome buffering bugs in HTML5 mode.

January 20, 2012

  • fixed Issue with hidden iframe embeds on IE9.

January 19, 2012

  • improved Better compatibility with existing style properties on the video element (margin property).

January 09, 2012

  • improved Re-enabled HTML5 mode support for Opera 11.60 (and later).

December 22, 2011

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (max-width and max-height properties).

December 20, 2011

  • fixed Issue with the sublimevideo.prepareAndPlay API method on iOS devices when the method is called on page load or in other situations that are not a consequence of a user tap.

November 29, 2011

  • new Support for the new Real-Time Stats.
  • new Integrated HD Switch allowing you to toggle SD-HD video sources with a single click.
  • new Support for the new SublimeVideo Embeds allowing your audience to easily embed your videos into their own sites or around the web.
  • new SublimeVideo badge for the new Free & Unlimited plan (and optionally for the new Paid plans).
  • new SublimeVideo initial play button on iOS 5 devices.

November 19, 2011

October 11, 2011

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (visibility property).

October 11, 2011

September 30, 2011

September 20, 2011

  • improved Support the upcoming Adobe Flash Player 11.

August 19, 2011

  • fixed Issue with the sublimevideo.prepare API method on iOS devices when the <video> element is initially hidden.

July 26, 2011

  • new True HTML5 fullscreen (currently requires Safari 5.1).
  • improved Poster frame remains visible immediately after the video starts and while loading (HTML5 mode).

July 20, 2011

  • fixed Issue preventing video from loading in the newly released Safari 5.1 (HTML5 mode).

July 12, 2011

  • improved Seeking behavior in Safari: when seeking to a new playback position by dragging the playhead, video frames are updated realtime (HTML5 mode).
  • fixed Volume controls not re-appearing when pausing video during fast-forward (HTML5 mode, Chrome and Safari).
  • fixed Volume controls not re-appearing if exiting full-window during fast-forward (HTML5 mode, Chrome and Safari).

June 15, 2011

  • fixed Bug in IE9 preventing the buffer bar from being filled in some cases (HTML5 mode).

June 08, 2011

  • fixed Rendering bug in the newly released Chrome 12 causing a black rectangle to appear when exiting full-window (HTML5 mode).

April 28, 2011

  • new Added support for Android “Honeycomb” tablets (like the Motorola Xoom and other upcoming Android 3.0 tablets).
  • new Added AirPlay Video support: you can now send the video to your Apple TV when playing it on your iPhone or iPad (running iOS 4.3 or later).

April 15, 2011

  • new Added support for Windows Phone 7.
  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (lightbox visibility could be affected by existing overflow property).

April 03, 2011

  • fixed Issue preventing full-window mode from exiting on IE9.
  • fixed Issue preventing the full-window controls pane from being dragged on IE9 (HTML5 mode).

March 29, 2011

March 22, 2011

  • fixed Bug in the newly released Firefox 4 preventing the buffer bar from being filled (HTML5 mode).

March 22, 2011

  • fixed Bug in Opera causing the elapsed time bar from being properly rendered in some cases.

March 17, 2011

  • improved Performance of lightbox transitions.

March 16, 2011

  • improved Support for the newly released IE9.

March 14, 2011

  • improved Poster frame is not stretched anymore if its proportions don’t match the video.
  • fixed Issue with lightboxed videos when the poster frame path is missing or wrong.

March 11, 2011

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (float property).
  • fixed Rendering bug in WebKit preventing the progress bar from being properly updated when the video is wrapped in an element with the overflow property set to hidden (HTML5 mode).

March 09, 2011

  • fixed Issue preventing the elapsed time bar from being properly rendered when dragging the progress indicator to the far left (HTML5 mode).
  • fixed Issue with the sublimevideo.onEnd event not being fired after a seek operation occurred (HTML5 mode).
  • fixed Issue preventing the controls bar from disappearing on mouseout after a seek operation occurred (HTML5 mode).

March 08, 2011

  • fixed Issue with the latest release of Chrome 10 preventing the progress indicator from moving forward (HTML5 mode).
  • fixed Z-index issue when exiting full-window (Flash mode).

February 25, 2011

  • fixed Bug in Chrome preventing the buffer bar from being filled (HTML5 mode).

February 25, 2011

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (rare scrollbars visibility issues when exiting full-window, improvements to avoid other CSS inheritance issues).
  • fixed Issue with the sublimevideo.onStart event being fired twice in Flash mode.

February 08, 2011

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (negative z-index).
  • fixed Issue when closing the lightbox by pressing the Esc key (Flash mode).

February 02, 2011

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (text color of inline alert messages could be overridden in some cases).
  • fixed Issue when calling sublimevideo.unprepare on mobile devices.

January 20, 2011

January 14, 2011

  • fixed Issue with IE and a particular version of Flash ( on Windows XP preventing the video to be displayed (Flash mode).

January 04, 2011

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (position property).
  • fixed Issue with the pre-buffering loading indicator not being showed unless mouse hovering over the video.
  • fixed Elapsed time label vertical alignment issue on Firefox (Windows).

December 20, 2010

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (more solid z-index support when entering full-window in Flash mode).
  • fixed Rare bug with IE occurring when the <video> element is wrapped inside a <p> element (Flash Mode).

December 20, 2010

  • improved Major refactoring of the player’s DOM architecture: <video> elements are kept in their original DOM position and can now be safely moved, animated or placed in all kind of existing slideshows, sliders and carousels.

December 17, 2010

  • fixed Issue preventing the elapsed time progress bar to be properly updated when the video was started using the sublimevideo.prepareAndPlay API method.

December 15, 2010

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (Lightbox zooming animation on Safari was starting offscreen in some cases).

December 15, 2010

  • fixed Rare issue with Firefox 3.6 preventing some Ogg Theora encoded files from starting playing (canplay event not fired).

December 14, 2010

  • new API method sublimevideo.load that can be used to instantiate the player object in case there are no videos initially on the page (and in case videos are loaded later with AJAX).

December 07, 2010

  • fixed Issue with the latest build of Chrome 8 preventing some videos from playing.

December 01, 2010

  • fixed Issue with lightboxed videos on iPad (original videos were not properly hidden if user forgot to set display:none on the <video> elements).

November 24, 2010

  • fixed Issue causing an initial flickering of the controls when autoplaying the video with our JavaScript API.

November 23, 2010

November 23, 2010

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (causing scrollbars visibility issues when entering/exiting full-window).

November 22, 2010

  • new An alert message is displayed in case the player is not properly registered on my.sublimevideo.net.
  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS on iPad iOS prior to v4.2.

November 18, 2010

  • improved Support for latest Firefox 4 beta 7.
  • fixed Issue on Chrome not filling the buffer bar for fully preloaded videos.
  • fixed A JavaScript error thrown on IE9 (in some cases).

November 11, 2010

  • fixed Bug in IE9 causing some videos to autoplay in the background on page load.

November 11, 2010

  • improved Optimized support for iPad iOS 4.2
  • fixed Issue when pausing a video during buffering phase (playback was resumed after a few seconds).

October 26, 2010

  • new Lightbox effect can start from a text box too (it doesn’t require an <img> inside the <a> element anymore).

October 20, 2010

  • new Added support for webOS (Palm Pre devices) and BlackBerry 6.
  • fixed Issue in Flash mode with sublimevideo.play() and pause() API methods.
  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (line-height issues in Firefox).

October 20, 2010

  • fixed Lightbox bug on Windows when clicking the dimmed background to close the lightbox.

October 19, 2010

October 19, 2010

  • new Lightbox close button disappears with the controls when mouse cursor is not over the video.

October 19, 2010

  • improved Slight UI improvements and better rendering of the progress bars rounded corners.
  • improved Smoother transitions in lightbox effect.

October 14, 2010

  • improved IE9 support.
  • fixed Selection issues when double-clicking to enter full-window.

October 14, 2010

  • fixed Issue on older Android devices (v1.6).

October 13, 2010

  • improved Android support (v2.1, 2.2 but also 1.6).

October 12, 2010

  • fixed Issue on IE6 and IE7 when SublimeVideo is used along with Prototype JS.

October 11, 2010

  • new When Flash is not installed, a message is displayed to invite the user to install the latest version of Adobe Flash.
  • fixed Issue causing a JavaScript error on IE when starting Flash mode.

October 09, 2010

  • fixed Problem in Flash mode with hostnames containing port other than :80.

October 08, 2010

  • new Loading indicator appears when playback position reaches end of buffer bar because of slow buffering. Now fully implemented in both HTML5 and Flash mode.

October 07, 2010

  • new Loading indicator appears when playback position reaches end of buffer bar because of slow buffering (Flash mode).

October 04, 2010

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (improved positions and box-shadows compatibility)
  • fixed Progress bar width issue in full-window.
  • fixed Volume pane hover bug preventing the full-window button to be clicked.
  • fixed Bug when pressing spacebar during video playback.

September 24, 2010

  • improved Optimized CSS injection to reduce initial UI flicker (when showing initial play button).
  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (avoid conflicts with East Asian text format, time label alignment and lightbox close button not centered)

September 17, 2010

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (avoid conflicts with existing z-index values).

September 17, 2010

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS causing issues with elapsed time label.

September 16, 2010

  • improved More compatibility with existing CSS (borders and cursor in full-window pane).
  • fixed Issue with styled <video> elements on IE 6 and IE 7.

September 08, 2010

  • improved Better volume controls interaction in Flash mode (volume slider can be controlled even if mouse exits the volume pane while sliding).

September 07, 2010

  • fixed Issue preventing initial play button from properly scaling on IE.